About Little Sails Childcare Service
Hours & Days
Little Sails operates throughout the year for 50 weeks and does not close during school holidays. We can also offer you a choice of attendance hours depending on our availability - which will help maximise your CCS discount hours allowed by Centrelink.
Attendance Combinations:
2 days per week Options:
Monday & Tuesday
Thursday & Friday
3 days per week Options:
Monday, Tuesday & Wednesday
Wednesday, Thursday & Friday
5 day Option:
Monday to Friday
Available Hours:
Pre School: 9am – 3pm
Long Day Care: 7.30am – 5.30pm
8 Hour Morning: 7:30am - 3:30pm
8 Hour Afternoon: 9:30am - 5:30pm
Fees and CCS discount:
The daily fees at Little Sails are dependent on the times that your child is booked. There is a different fee for Pre School hours and Long Day Care hours – as well as an 8-hour day option. Once you register for our waiting list, we will be in contact with you to discuss enrolment options – which includes fee schedule . Little Sails is eligible to provide CCS (Child Care Subsidy). This means that you can claim the CCS once you have registered with Centrelink and confirmed all details though your MYGOV account
The Learning Environment
Our childcare centre consists of 2 spacious rooms – the “Starfish Room” and the “Angelfish Room” and both are staffed by dedicated Early Childhood professionals. Our indoor environment is characterised by open spaces that provide children with opportunities to work on self-chosen and group experiences. These spaces support children’s emerging interests and allow them to demonstrate their innate creativity and curiosity – recognising them as active learners and decision makers.
We have a large outdoor play area which is characterised by both active and quiet zones with a balance of fixed and moveable equipment, open space to engage in physical activities and spaces that promote investigation and respect for and enjoyment of the natural environment.

Experienced and qualified Educators who have diverse skills (including language skills) are employed to provide quality care and education for our children. Our Educators are committed to curriculum planning and implementing a variety of activities that facilitate fun, learning and creativity within a safe and caring environment.
Educators have also attended various professional development courses including first aid and emergency asthma and anaphylaxis training.
Little Sails provides morning tea each day as well as afternoon tea (for the long day care children) and milk throughout the day.
In order to foster further independence and self-help skills, we ask that families pack a range of healthy foods for their children’s lunch.
This may be anything that your child enjoys (hot or cold), ensuring that your child is eating healthy, nutritious meals that they enjoy, throughout the day.
Health & Safety
Little Sails prioritises Health and Safety in the service and displays this commitment by maintaining membership to recognised Health Authorities. We have been awarded as "Asthma Friendly" by Asthma Australia as well as being a "Sun Smart Centre" by the Cancer Council.
We have also chosen to be a "Nut Free Centre"
We also facilitate access to community health services who come to us here at Little Sails such as
- Speech Therapy assessments
- Dental Check-ups and
- Eyesight Screening